Westwood Junior High School Choir
7630 Arapaho Road Dallas, Texas 75248
Richardson Independent School District
Paige A. Nolan, Director of Choirs
The Westwood Choirs

Bella Voce
Varsity Treble Choir
Bella Voce is a varsity auditioned choir of 8th grade girls. Bella Voce rehearses during 5th period. Throughout the year they will perform in several concerts and competitions in addition to participating in social activities such as Adventure Landing, Jump Street, and Six Flags.
Tenor-Bass Choir

The Tenor/Bass Choir is comprised of 7th and 8th grade boys. This class meets during 3rd period. Throughout the year they will perform in several concerts and competitions in addition to participating in social activities such as Adventure Landing, Jump Street, and Six Flags.
7th Grade Treble Choir

The 7th Grade Treble Choir is comprised of 7th grade girls. This class meets during 8th period. Throughout the year they will perform in several concerts and competitions in addition to participating in social activities such as Adventure Landing, Jump Street, and Six Flags.
Voices Unlimited

8th Grade Treble Choir

The 8th Grade Treble Choir is comprised of 8th grade girls. This class meet s during 7th period. Throughout the year they will perform in several concerts and competitions in addition to participating in social activities such as Adventure Landing, Jump Street, and Six Flags.
New Edition

Voices Unlimited is an auditioned group of 8th graders that rehearses once a week after school. They sing mostly pop music and perform at choir concerts and events during the school year.
New Edition is an auditioned group of 7th and 8th grade girls that meets after school. They sing mostly pop music and perform at choir concerts and events during the school year.